Monday 21 January, 2008

Exchane Information With a "Hand Shake"...!

Just say "Hello" and "Shake hands" thats all you need to collect all information about unknown the person with whom you first meet.....! "Yes" this is true,, it is the latest concept that will be coming soon in the form of a "Ring", Just wear this small ring in your finger and When you first meet and shake hands with any person who is also wearing the ring in his finger will start to exchange the information and store it while you are shaking hands with him...!
It is a tough job to remember all people whom we meet every day but this device will be ideal device to remember all person we meet every day it contain a card that displays the basic information that is stored in the ring more people we meet more information will be stored there. The power source comes from the human body temperature so no batteres are required.
Till now It is only a concept but we could expect to see this in market place very soon get more info from helpero...!

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