Wednesday 6 February, 2008

ASUS announced New Mother Board with EPU Technology

One of the leading Motherboard maker ASUS has now announced in a press release it's latest P5E3 Premium motherboard which is a more energy efficient as well as a power saver and the Technology is called EPU (Energy Processing Unit).

The main feature of this EPU or Energy Processing Unit is to ensure that the CPU is running at maximum energy efficiency and it save over 80 percent of power usage....
Other than this it is based on Intel X48 chipset and comes with built-in WiFi (802.11n) draft wireless , it will support DDR3 2000Mhz and dual PCI Express 2.0 x16 lanes.
Asus priced the P5E3 Premium at $369 and should be available at the end of February this year.

Source : Slashgear via Ohgizmo , Asus

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